Golden Dawn Glossary


GD Glossary is copyrighted © 1997 by The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn


Abba: Hebrew word meaning "father." The Partzuf that is attributed to Chokmah and the letter Yod of Tetragrammaton. (See Partzufim.)

Abyss: a chasm or gulf which separates the three Supernal Sephiroth from the rest of the spheres on the Tree of Life. Considered a division between the noumenal and the phenomenal.

Adam Kadmon: the "heavenly man" or body of God. The divine prototype of humanity which is circumscribed upon the Tree of Life. The crown of Kether is above his head and Malkuth is at his feet.

Adept: an initiate who has reached a certain high level of attainment.

Adeptus Minor: the "lesser Adept." The first grade of the Golden Dawn's Inner Order. The Adept Grades comprise the Third Degree.

Adonai: Hebrew word for "lord," intoned in the south in the LBRP, and with the pentagram of Earth in the SIRP.

Adonai ha-Aretz: Hebrew phrase for "lord of earth." Divine name associated with Malkuth.

Adonai Melekh: Hebrew phrase for "lord and king." Associated with Malkuth.

Agla: Hebrew notariqon for the phrase Atah Gebur Le-Olahm Adonai or "Thou art Great forever, my Lord." Intoned in the north in the LBRP.

Aima: Hebrew word meaning "mother." The Partzuf that is attributed to Binah and the second letter Heh of Tetragrammaton (See Partzufim.)

Ain: Hebrew word meaning "nothing." The outermost of the Three Negative Veils.

Ain Soph: Hebrew phrase meaning "limitless." The middle veil of the Three Negative Veils.

Ain Soph Aur: Hebrew phrase meaning "the limitless light." The innermost of the Three Negative Veils, from which the Sephirah of Kether was formed.

Aiq Beker: an important method used in Literal Qabalah, sometimes called the "Qabalah of Nine Chambers." A chart used to convert Hebrew letters to their numerical equivalents. The numbers arrived at in this fashion are often used to make sigils in talismanic magic. The name Aiq Beker comes from reading the Hebrew letters in the first two chambers: Aleph, Yod, Qoph, and Beth, Kaph, Resh. (See Literal Qabalah.)

Air: one of the four magical elements. Air is said to be a combination of the qualities of heat and moisture. Air is considered active, masculine, intellectual, ethereal, abstract and communicative. (See Elements.)

Air Dagger: one of the Elemental weapons or implements of the Adept. Used to invoke or banish the element of Air.

Akasa (or Akasha): derived from a Sanskrit word meaning "to shine." The Tattva associated with the element of spirit, depicted as a black egg. (See Tattva.)

Akashic Record: the idea that all of the experiences and memories of every living being are contained in the substance of the ether. Advanced magicians develop the ability to recover details of past events by "reading the Akashic Records."

Alchemy: a process of transformation, discipline, and purification. There are two types of alchemy which often overlap. Practical, laboratory, or outer alchemy is concerned with transforming a base material into a higher and more purified substance, such as the turning of lead into gold or the extraction of a medicinal substance from a plant in order to create a healing elixir. Spiritual, theoretical, or inner alchemy is concerned with the transformation of the human soul from a state of baseness to one of spiritual enlightenment. Alchemical texts are often full of allegory and mythological symbolism.

Amen: a notariqon or acronym for the Hebrew phrase Adonai Melekh Na'amon, meaning "Lord, faithful King." Its implied meaning is "so be it," or "so mote it be."

Angel: An entity within the divine hierarchy. A pure and high spirit of unmixed good in office and operation. Angels are anthropomorphic symbols of what we consider to be good or holy. Angels and archangels are considered specific aspects of God, each with a particular purpose and jurisdiction. The names of Qabalistic angels usually end in the suffixes "el" or "yah," which are divine names of God, indicating that the angels themselves are "of God." The word angel is derived from the Greek word angelos meaning "messenger."

Anima: an archetypal "soul image" which is the embodiment of the reflective, feminine nature of man's subconscious.

Anima Mundi: "the Soul of the World."

Animus: an archetypal "soul image" which is the embodiment of the creative, masculine nature of woman's subconscious.

Apas: derived from a Sanskrit word meaning "water." The Tattva associated with the element of water, depicted as silver crescent. (See Tattva.)

Aral: a ruling spirit traditionally associated with fire, though in modern times associated with air.

Ararita: a notariqon or acronym used in Hexagram rituals. The word is formed from the first letters of the sentence: Achad Rosh Achdotho Rosh Ichudo Temurahzo Achad, which means, "One is His beginning, One is His individuality, His permutation is One." It affirms that the ultimate divinity is unitary in nature.

Archangel: a powerful angel who governs large groups or hosts of lesser angels. (See Angel.) According to some, archangels have free will, whereas angels do not.

Archetype: often referred to in Jungian psychology to mean an idea, mode of thought, or god-form that has manifested from the collective unconscious of humanity.

Aretz: Hebrew word for "earth."

Arik Anpin: Hebrew for "long faced." Also known as the "Vast Countenance" and Macroprosopus. The Partzuf attributed to Kether. (See Partzufim.)

Artificial Elemental: a simple entity or thought-form that is ritually created by the magician to fulfill a specific purpose.

Ash (or Ish): Hebrew name for "fire."

Ashkenazic: a Hebrew dialect used in Germany, Poland, and Russia.

Ash Mezareph: Hebrew phrase meaning "purifying fire." The name of an alchemical- Qabalistic text contained within the Kabala Denudata, one of the first important translations of the Zohar. (See Zohar.)

Assiah: The fourth of four Qabalistic worlds or stages of manifestation. Assiah is the dense world of action and matter. It is attributed to Malkuth and the element of earth. (See Four Worlds of the Qabalah.)

Assumption of Godforms: a magical technique wherein the Adept identifies him or herself with a particular deity by "assuming its form." The archetypal image of the deity is created on the astral by focused visualization, vibration of the deity's name, the tracing of its sigil, etc. The magician then steps into this astral image and wears it like a garment or mask, continuing to strengthen the image with focused concentration. This is performed in order to create a vehicle for that particular aspect of the Divine that the magician is working with. (See Godforms.)

Astral: from the Greek word astrum or "star."

Astral Plane: an intermediate and invisible level of reality between the physical plane and higher, more divine realms. It is the common boundary between the individual and noumenal reality. A non-physical level of existence which is the basis of the physical plane. The astral plane has several "layers" of density and vibrational rate. The upper astral lies close to the angelic realms, while the lower astral is the world of dreams and phantasms. The astral plane contains many non-physical entites.

Astral Projection (or Astral Traveling): the practice of "traveling" out of the physical body in the astral planes. It is the transference of consciousness from the physical to the astral body, in a way that the practitioner perceives and moves about on the astral plane in the "body of light," while the physical body remains inert. By using astral projection, the magician enters this world and interacts with angels, elementals, and other beings. Astral Projection in the Golden Dawn tradition can be described as a form of self-hypnosis which uses symbols as doorways in order to cause changes in consciousness. From these higher levels of consciousness, the magician often tries to see the underlying causes of things.

Astral Traveling: (See Astral Projection.)

Astrology: an ancient science that examines the action of celestial bodies upon all living beings, non-living objects, and earthly conditions, as well as their reactions to such influences. Whereas modern astronomy is considered an objective science of stellar distances, masses, and speeds, astrology is considered a subjective and intuitive science which not only deals with the astronomical delineation of horoscopes, but is also looked upon as a philosophy which helps explain the spiritual essence of life.

Atah: (or Atoh) Hebrew word meaning "Thou art." Used in the Qabalistic Cross.

Atziluth: the first of four Qabalistic worlds or stages of manifestation. Atziluth is the divine world of archetypes. It is attributed to Kether and the element of fire. (See Four Worlds of the Qabalah.)

Augoeides: Greek word meaning "higher genius." Usually refers to the HGA or Higher Self. It is the mediator between the individual and God. The word augoeides is derived from the Greek word augos or "morning light." (See Higher Self; HGA.)

Aura: a shell or layer of astral substance which surrounds and permeates the physical body. Also called the Sphere of Sensation. (see Subtle Body)

Auriel: (see Uriel)

Azoth: a word formed from the first and final letters of the Greek, Latin, and Hebrew alphabets thus: Alpha and Omega, A and Z, Aleph and Tau. It symbolizes the beginning and the end, or rather, the essence. Azoth is considered the Universal Medicine in alchemy.



Bahir: the Hebrew Book of "Brilliance." One of the oldest Qabalisitc texts. It deals with meditative techniques.

Banishing: a ritual designed to get rid of unwanted spiritual energies. Banishings are usually a prelude to more complex rituals.

Barbarous Names: words and names of deities that are frequently used in medieval grimoires. These names often originated as deity names from ancient civilizations, which have been corrupted through scribal error. The word barbarous comes from the Greek word barbaros meaning "non-Greek, foreign." Many of the so-called barbarous names originated as Greek versions of more ancient Hebrew, Egyptian, and Babylonian names. Modern magicians believe that through centuries of ritual use, these names have taken on a magical potency of their own, regardless of their origins. A good example of the use of barbarous names can be found in the Bornless Ritual of the Golden Dawn.

Binah: Hebrew word for "understanding," referring to the third Sephirah on the Tree of Life.

Bitom: Enochian name for the spirit of fire, taken from the Tablet of Union.

Boaz: the left-hand or black pillar of King Solomon's Temple. The feminine Pillar of Severity on the Tree of Life. Together the Pillars of Boaz and Jachin symbolize the polarized forces of night and day, strength and mercy, active and passive. Boaz is represented by the black pillar in the Hall of the Neophytes. (See Jachin; Pillar of Severity.)

Body of Light: the astral body, or etheric double. (See Subtle Body.) Often used to describe a ritually constructed vehicle for astral traveling.

Briah: The third of four Qabalistic worlds consisting of Chokmah and Binah. Briah is the World of Creation and the realm of archangels. It is attributed to the element of water. (See Four Worlds of the Qabalah.)



Cabala: (See Qabalah.)

Cancellaria: a female Cancellarius.

Cancellarius: Latin word meaning "chancellor," or "high official." Keeper of records. One of the Three Chief Officers in the Neophyte Hall.

Candidate: a prospective initiate.

Chaldean Oracles: fragments from an oracular text brought to Rome by Julianus the magician in the second century C.E. They form an important part of the Western Esteric Tradition.

Chassan: Hebrew angel associated with the element of air.

Chesed: Hebrew word for "mercy," referring to the fourth Sephirah on the Tree of Life. Also called Gedulah which means "greatness, magnificence."

Chiah: in Qabalah, the part of the soul located in Chokmah. It is described as the life force, divine will, and source of action.

Chokmah: Hebrew word for "wisdom," referring to the second Sephirah on the Tree of Life.

Circumambulate: to walk around in a circle, especially as part of a ritual.

Clairvoyance: the ability to be aware of events or facts by psychic means, usually received as visual images. (See Skrying.)

Comananu: the name of an Enochian governor.

Consecrate: to make sacred. A ritual dedication of a person or object to a specific purpose. In the Golden Dawn, the officer known as the Dadouchos consecrates with a Censer of incense.



Daath: Hebrew word for "knowledge." The so-called "Invisible Sephirah" on the Tree of Life, Daath is not really a Sephirah, but rather a conjunction of the energies of Chokmah and Binah. It can be likened to a passageway across the Abyss.

Daimon: Greek word meaning "spirit." Used to describe all manner of nature spirits and divine entities. In later times, the word demon was created from the original word and used to indicate evil spirits.

Dark Night of the Soul: a phrase used to describe the depression, isolation, and alienation which is experienced by mystics and magicians just before attaining spiritual transcendence and enlightenment.

Decanate: a ten degree division of the Zodiac. In the standard Zodiacal wheel, there are a total of 36 decanates.

Deity: a God or Goddess. A spiritual being embodying one or several aspects of divine essence.

Demon: an evil spirit, or unbalanced force. (See Qlippoth.)

Deosil: in a clockwise or sunwise direction. The usual direction of movement in a ceremony. (See Widdershins.)

Divination: based on the Latin word divinatio which means "the faculty of foreseeing." The word comes from the Latin term for "divine power" or "of the gods." Divination is the art of uncovering the divine meaning behind chance events. In the Golden Dawn it is used as a tool for psychic well-being and spiritual growth. There are various methods of divination, including cartomancy (reading tarot cards) and geomancy (earth divination).

Divine Name: a name associated with a deity or an aspect of God that is vibrated or intoned during ritual.

Divine Self: our true, pure, transcendent self which contains a spark of divinity.

Dadouche: a female Dadouchos.

Dadouchos: Greek word meaning "torch bearer." An officer in the Neophyte Hall who performs consecrations.

Dogmatic Qabalah: that segment of the Qabalah which deals with the study of ancient Qabalistic texts such as the written Torah or Pentateuch, the Zohar, the Bahir, and the Sephir Yetzirah. (See Qabalah.)



Earth: one of the four magical elements. Earth is said to be a combination of the qualities of cold and dryness. It is considered passive, feminine, solid, physical, stable, slow-moving, and grounded. (See Elements.)

Earth Pentacle: one of the Elemental weapons or implements of the Adept. Used to invoke or banish the element of earth.

Ego: that portion of the psyche which is conscious, most directly governs thought and behavior, and is most concerned with outer reality. Also called the conscious self.

Egregore: from a Greek word meaning "watcher." A thought-form created by will and visualization. A group egregore is the distinctive energy of a specific group of magicians who are working together, creating and building the same thought-form or energy-form.

Eheieh: Hebrew word meaning "I am." Divine name associated with Kether. A name intoned in the west in the LBRP, and also used with the active spirit pentagrams in the SIRP.

El (or Al): Hebrew word meaning "god." Divine name associated with Chesed.

Elements: in magic there are four basic elements (fire, water, air, and earth) which are regarded as realms, kingdoms, or divisions of nature. They are the basic modes of existence and action, and the building blocks of everything in the universe. A fifth element, spirit, is said to bind together and govern the lesser four. In the Mystic Repast of the Neophyte Ceremony, the rose, fire, chalice of wine, and bread and salt are symbols of the elements.

Elementals: spirits belonging to the nature of the elements, having hierarchies similar to those of angels and archangels. An elemental spirit is composed entirely of one element.

Elemental Tablets: four charts stemming from the Enochian skryings of John Dee and Edward Kelly. They contain several rows of letters and are assigned to the four elements of fire, water, air, and earth. The names of numerous angels, archangels, and spiritual entities are derived from the letters on these charts. The Elemental Tablets play an important role in the Outer Order ceremonies of the Golden Dawn and are used in the higher magical workings of the Second Order. The four tablets are said to be bound together and ruled by the Tablet of Union. (See Enochian; Tablet of Union.)

Elemental Weapons: the four personal implements of an Adept, used in ceremonial magic and associated with the elements. The include the Fire Wand, the Water Cup, the Air Dagger, and the Earth Pentacle.

Elexarpeh: name of an Enochian governor.

Elohim: Hebrew word meaning "god(s)," which is associated with the fire pentagram in the SIRP.

Elohim Gibor: Hebrew phrase meaning "Almighty God." Divine name associated with Geburah.

Elohim Tzabaoth: Hebrew phrase meaning "God of Armies." Divine name associated with Hod.

Enochian: a genuine language and a system of magic that was discovered by Dr. John Dee (1527-1608) who was a magician, philosopher, astrologer, and advisor to Queen Elizabeth, and his assistant Edward Kelly. The Enochian system was received through the crystal skryings of Kelly, under Dee's supervision. The system was described as the "language of the angels" or the "language of Enoch," and came to be called the Enochian or Angelic language. Enochian magic is a complex system of elemental and spiritual hierarchies, which was further developed by the Golden Dawn.

Eth: a word used by the Golden Dawn to indicate essence or spirit, the fifth element.

Ether: a western term for akasa or spirit.

Etz ha-Chayim: Hebrew for "Tree of Life." (See Tree of Life.)

Evocation: a ritual designed to manifest or "evoke" a spiritual entity from the invisible realms into the magican's field of awareness. Sometimes called "summoning spirits."

Exarp: Enochian name for the spirit of air, taken from the Tablet of Union.



Fire: one of the four magical elements. Fire is said to be a combination of the qualities of heat and dryness. It is considered active, masculine, spontaneous, quick, initiating, vitalizing, and energetic. (See Elements.)

Fire Wand: one of the Elemental Weapons or implements of the Adept. Used to invoke or banish the element of fire.

Flying Rolls: a term used for Second Order side lectures.

Formula of the Magic of Light: the practical magic of the Golden Dawn as classified under the five letters of the Pentagrammaton-YHShVH. Evocations and invocations fall under the category of the Hebrew letter Yod and the element of Fire. Consecrations of Talismans and the production of natural phenomena are classified under the second letter Heh and the element of water. All works of spiritual development, and transformations are attributed to the letter Shin and the element of spirit. All works of divination are assigned to the letter Vav and the element of air. All works of alchemy are classified under the final letter Heh and the element of earth. (See Pentagrammaton.)

Four-fold Breath: a method of rhythmic breathing used prior to mediation and ritual. (Breath in to the count of four; hold the breath to the count of four; exhale to the count of four; keep the lungs empty to the count of four.)

Four Worlds of the Qabalah: a four-fold division of the Tree of Life which separates the Tree into four levels of manifestation. The highest level is the most abstract and ethereal, while the lowest level is the most dense. The Four Worlds include Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah, and Assiah.



Gabriel: Hebrew archangel of elemental water, invoked in the LBRP and the SIRP.

Galgal: Hebrew word meaning "whirling." The plural form is galgalim, referring to the Sephiroth as they exist within the human aura or sphere of sensation. The galgalim are the western equivalent of the eastern chakras.

Geburah (or Gevurah): Hebrew word for "power." Often referred to as "severity," Geburah is the fifth Sephirah on the Tree of Life. The phrase ve-Geburah, meaning "and the power" is used in the Qabalistic Cross.

Gedulah: Hebrew word for "greatness, magnificence." A title of Chesed. The phrase ve-Gedulah, meaning "and the glory" is used in the Qabalistic Cross.

Gematria: part of the Literal Qabalah, gematria is a form of Hebrew numerology that uses the numerical values of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Names or words are converted into numbers in order to find hind meanings. Words which have the same numerical value are thought to have an important and significant relationship.

Genius: from the Latin word gignere meaning "to beget." A guardian spirit. The term Lower Genius refers to the Higher Self, and the Higher Genius refers to the Divine Self.

Gnomes: elemental spirits of earth.

Godform: An archetypal image of a god or goddess that is constructed by visualization on the astral plane. (See Assumption of Godforms.)

Godhead: the universal and divine essence which is the source of all.

Goetia: derived from a word that means "howling." Part of the grimoire known as The Lesser Key of Solomon, with instructions for the evocation of spirits.

Great Work: a term borrowed from alchemy's magnum opus. Refers to the path of human spiritual evolution, growth, and illumination, which is the goal of ceremonial magic.

Grimoire: a magical text or "grammar." Any medieval book containing magical procedures or spells for summoning spirits.

G'uph: the lowest part of the soul, centered in Malkuth. A low level of subconscious intelligence which is closely tied to the physical body.



Hcoma: Enochian name for the spirit of water, taken from the Tablet of Union.

Hegemon: Greek word meaning "guide." A main officer in the Neophyte Hall, who guides the candidate around the temple.

Hegemone: a female Hegemon.

"Hekas, Hekas, este Bebeloi": a magical phrase originally uttered at the Eleusinian Mysteries which means "far, far away be the profane." In the Golden Dawn, this phrase is used to indicate that a ritual is about to begin.

Hermes Trismegistus, or "Hermes the Thrice-Great": The Greek God Hermes and the Egyptian God Thoth merged into one figure who was said to be the first and greatest magician. Hermes Trismegistus was reputed to be an ancient Egyptian priest and magician who was credited with writing forty-two books collectively known as the Hermetic literature. These books, including the Emerald Tablet and the Divine Pymander, describe the creation of the universe, the soul of humanity, and the way to achieve spiritual rebirth.

Hermetic: of, or relating to, Hermes Trismegistus or the works ascribed to him. Having to do with the occult sciences, especially alchemy, astrology, and magic that are derived from western sources (Hebrew, Egyptian, and Greek).

Hexagram: a geometric figure which has six points, formed from two interlocking triangles. The two triangles correspond to opposing forces of fire and water. The Hexagram shows these rival energies balanced and in harmony with each other. Also called the "Star of David" and the "Star of the Macrocosm." It is also a symbol of the perfected human being, and signifies the Hermetic principle of "as above, so below." In the Golden Dawn, Hexagram rituals are used to invoke or banish planetary forces.

HGA: Holy Guardian Angel. (see Higher Self)

Hiereia: a female Hiereus.

Hiereus: Greek word meaning "priest." A main officer in the Neophyte Hall who bars and threatens the candidate.

Hierophant: Greek word meaning "initiating priest." The primary, initiating officer in the Outer Order of the Golden Dawn.

Hieropantissa: a female Hierophant.

Higher Self: A personification of the transcendent spiritual self that is said to reside in Tiphareth and mediate between the Divine Self and the Lower Personality. Sometimes referred to as the Holy Guardian Angel, the Lower Genius, and the Augoeides.

Hod: Hebrew word for "splendor," referring to the eighth Sephirah on the Tree of Life.



IAO: The supreme God of the Gnostics, equivalent to the Tetragrammaton of the Hebrews. In the Golden Dawn, the letters of the name IAO are used to represent Isis, Apophis, and Osiris, or the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

Imperator: Latin word meaning "leader, commander." The lawgiver. One of the three Chief Officers in the Neophyte Hall. Imperatrix: a female Imperator.

Initiate: implies a "new beginning." A person who has undergone initiation into a magical group. The act of initiating a new member into a magical group.

Initiation: A ceremony, ritual, test, or period of instruction with which a new member is admitted to an organization or level of attainment.

INRI: an important acronym in both orthodox religion and in magic. The initials of a Latin phrase once placed by the Romans at the top of the Cross which stood for Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judecorum, or "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." Medieval alchemists theorized that it meant Igne Natura Renovatur Integra or "the whole of nature is renewed by fire," or Igne Nitrum Raris Invenitum - "shining is rarely found in fire." Masonic author J.S.M. Ward attributed the initials to the first letters of certain Hebrew words used to describe the four elements (I - Yam - Water; N - Nour - Fire; R - Ruach - Air; I - Yebeshah - Earth). INRI is known as the "Keyword" and is used in the Golden Dawn's Inner Order to describe the cycle of the seasons; the equinoxes and solstices, as well as the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth (I - Yod - Virgo; N - Nun - Scorpio; R - Resh - the Sun; I - Yod - Virgo).

Invocation: a ritual or portion of a ritual designed to establish communication with a higher spiritual entity. The magician allows a higher being to use his physical body as a vehicle for communication with the physical world. A potent prayer used to invoke a deity.

Invoke: to call a spiritual entity or force into the temple.



Jachin: the right-hand or white pillar of King Solomon's Temple. The masculine Pillar of Mercy on the Tree of Life. Together the Pillars of Boaz and Jachin symbolize the polarized forces of night and day, strength and mercy, active and passive. Jachin is represented by the white pillar in the Hall of the Neophytes. (See Boaz; Pillar of Mercy.)



Kabbalah: (See Qabalah.)

Kabiri: (singular form - Kabir): the "great gods" from the ancient Samothracian Mysteries. The names of the Kabiri are Axieros, Axieokersa, Axiokersos, and Kasmillos.

Kalah: Hebrew word for "bride." (See Nukba de-Zauir.)

Kamea: (See Qamea.)

Keryx (or Kerux): Greek word meaning "herald." An officer in the Neophyte Hall who leads circumambulations and gives announcements.

Kerykissa: a female Keryx.

Kether: Hebrew word for "crown," referring to the first Sephirah on the Tree of Life.

Keyword: (See INRI.)

Khabs am Pekht: (See Konx om Pax.)

Konx om Pax: a Greek-based magical phrase used in the Eleusinian Mysteries. Used by the Golden Dawn to mean "Light in Extension." An Egyptian version of the phrase is Khabs am Pekht. (See Light in Extension.)



Lamen: a symbol suspended from a collar and worn on the chest.

LBRP: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. A basic Golden Dawn ritual which cleanses the temple or ritual space of unwanted energies.

Le-Olahm, Amen: Hebrew phrase meaning "the World forever, unto the Ages." A phrase used in the Qabalistic Cross. (See Amen.)

License to Depart: granting a spiritual entity permission to leave the temple or circle after the work of magic has been completed.

Light in Extension: signifies "Light rushing out in One Ray." The divine light extending itself into manifestation.

Literal Qabalah: that segment of Qabalah which interprets the codes found in Hebrew words contained in mystical texts. Methods of Literal Qabalah include gematria, notariqon, and temurah. (See Qabalah, Gematria; Notariqon; Temurah.)

Logos: a Greek word meaning "word." To the Gnostics this was the term for deity manifest in the universe. The creative principle and underlying law of the universe. Lotus Wand: the primary implement of an Adept. It is used to invoke or banish all manner of energies.

LVX: the Latin word for "light." In the Second Order of the Golden Dawn it implies "the Light of the Cross," since the letters L, V, and X are all portions of one type or another of the cross. These letters are attributed to primary Egyptian gods and to certain grade signs as follows: L = Isis Mourning; V = Apophis and Typhon; and X = Osiris Risen. Along with the sign of Osiris slain, they present the cycles of life, death, and rebirth inherent in the seasons-the Equinoxes and the Solstices.



Magic: the art of causing change to occur in one's environment and one's consciousness. Willpower, imagination, intention, and the use of symbols and correspondences play a major role in this art. (See Theurgy)

Magic of Light: (See Formula of the Magic of Light.) Magical Square: (See Qamea.)

Maim: Hebrew word for "water."

Major Arcana: the twenty-two trump cards of a tarot deck, which relate to the twenty- two Paths on the Tree of Life.

Malkah: Hebrew word for "queen." (See Nukba de-Zauir.)

Malkuth: Hebrew word for "kingdom," referring to the tenth Sephirah on the Tree of Life.

Mansions of the Moon: the twenty-eight days of the Lunar cycle. Each day is assigned to a portion of the 360 degrees of the Zodiac, beginning at 0 degrees Aries.

Mantic Arts: all methods of divination. (See Divination.)

Meditation: the act of quieting the mind in order to "listen" to the inner communications from the Higher Self.

Metaphysics: the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value. A priori speculation upon questions that are unanswerable to scientific observation, analysis, or experiment.

Metatron: the archangel of Kether and the most powerful of all Hebrew archangels. Said to be the archangel who governs the entire Tree of Life generally, and the white pillar specifically. He is also right-hand Kerub of the Ark of the Covenant. (See Sandalphon.)

Michael: Hebrew archangel of elemental fire, invoked in the LBRP and the SIRP.

Middle Pillar: the central pillar on the Tree of Life. The Exercise of the Middle Pillar is a Golden Dawn technique for awakening the Sephiroth or Galgalim of the Middle Pillar within the magician's sphere of sensation. (See Pillar of Mildness; Galgal.)

Minor Arcana: the fifty-six cards of a tarot deck, similar to the a deck of modern playing cards, consisting of forty numbered cards and sixteen court cards. They are attribued to the Sephiroth on the Tree of Life.

Monad: from Greek monos, meaning "alone, single, sole." One indivisible. Sometimes used to describe Kether.

Motto: a special, magical name chosen by the magician for use in a magical lodge. A magical name is taken on in order to disassociate oneself from the mundane world for the duration of the magical work. Many magicians choose mottoes that have personal spiritual significance for them.

Mystery: from the Greek word mystos meaning "keeping silent." The word is often used to describe the doctrine of initiatory schof magic.

Mystic Repast: a partaking of the elements. Similar to the Christian Eucharist.



Nanta: Enochian name for the spirit of earth, taken from the Tablet of Union.

Nemyss: a type of Egyptian headdress worn by Golden Dawn magicians.

Neophyte: comes from the Greek word neophytos or "newly planted." A beginner. The Neophtye grade is the first initiation into the Golden Dawn. It is symbolized by the number 0 within a circle and the number 0 within a square. A person who has been admitted into the grade of Neophyte. A temple that is arranged for a Neophyte initiation is called the Neophyte Hall.

Nephesh (also Nephesch): in Qabalah, the part of the soul located in Yesod which is described as the Lower Self or Lower Unconscious. Contains primal instincts, fundamental drives and animal vitality. Sometimes called the etheric double or the astral body.

Neshamah (also Neschamah): in Qabalah, the highest part of the soul. The Greater Neshamah encompasses Kether, Chokmah, and Binah. The highest aspirations of the soul. The Neshamah proper, or intuitive soul, is found in Binah.

Netzach: Hebrew word for "victory," referring to the seventh Sephirah on the Tree of Life.

Notariqon: a form of Literal Qabalah. A method for obtaining the hidden meanings of Hebrew words by viewing them as acronyms of phrases, or vice versa. The word is derived from the Latin notarius or "shorthand writer."

Nukba de-Zauir: Hebrew for "female of Zauir." The female counterpart of Zauir Anpin. The Partzuf attributed to Malkuth, and associated with the final letter Heh of Tetragrammaton. Also called Malkah, the "Queen," and Kalah, the "Bride." (See Partzufim.)



Occult: from the Latin word occuiere, meaning "to cover up." Hidden or secret. Occult wisdom signifies secret wisdom. Wisdom that is not known to the masses.

Opening by Watchtower: a ritual created by Israel Regardie which is based upon the SIRP and the ceremony of the Consecration of the Vault of the Adepti. It is used to invoke the elements and set up a consecrated space as a prelude to the main ritual.

Opening of the Key: a complex method for reading the tarot used in the Second Order of the Golden Dawn. It utilizes five consecutive tarot spreads in a single reading.



Pentagram: a geometric figure based upon the pentangle, which has five lines and five "points." Figures based on the pentangle include the pentagram and the pentagon. The pentagram, or five-pointed star is also called the figure of the microcosm, the pentalpha, and the wizard's foot.

Pentagrammaton: A Greek word which means "five-lettered name." Refers to the Hebrew name of YHShVH - Yeheshuah or the Hebrew name of Jesus, which is the Tetragrammaton, YHVH, with the letter Shin placed in the center of the name.

Pentalpha: another name for the pentagram.

Partzufim: Hebrew word meaning "faces" (singular - partzuf). Refers to a teaching in the Zohar that divides the Sephiroth into five archetypal countenances that constitute more anthropomorphized expressions of the Sephiroth in accordance with the Tetragrammaton. They express YHVH in terms of father, mother, son, and daughter (or bride). The Partzufim include Arik Anpin, Abba, Aima, Zauir Anpin, and Malkah (or Nukba de-Zauir).

Philosopher's Stone: The Stone of the Wise. An alchemical symbol of the transmutation of humanity's lower nature into a higher, more purified spiritual state. True spiritual attainment and illumination. In practical alchemy, the Stone signifies the manufacturing of gold from a base metal. In spiritual alchemy, it is the transmutation of the Lower into the Higher. (See Alchemy.)

Philosophus: comes from a Greek word which means "lover of wisdom." The Philosophus grade is the fifth initiation into the Golden Dawn, and the last of the four elemental grades which comprise the First Degree of the Order. It is associated with the element of fire and the seventh Sephirah of Netzach. It is symbolized by the number 4 within a circle and the number 7 within a square. A person who has been admitted into the grade of Philosophus.

Phylakissa: a female Phylax.

Phylax: Greek word meaning "sentinel." An officer who guards the Neophyte Hall.

Pillar of Mercy: The right-hand pillar on the Tree of Life, comprised of the Sephiroth of Chokmah, Chesed, and Netzach. (See Jachin.)

Pillar of Mildness: also called the Middle Pillar or the Pillar of Equilibrium. The central pillar on the Tree of Life comprised of the Sephiroth of Kether, Daath, Tiphareth, Yesod, and Malkuth. (See Middle Pillar.)

Pillar of Severity: The left-hand pillar on the Tree of Life, comprised of the Sephiroth of Binah, Geburah, and Hod. (See Boaz.)

Phorlakh: Angel associated with elemental earth.

Portal: the intermediate grade between the First and Second Orders of the Golden Dawn. The Second Degree of the Order. A person who has been admitted to the Second Degree.

Practical Qabalah: that segment of Qabalah which deals with the construction of talismans used in ceremonial magic. (See Qabalah.)

Practicus: the fourth initiation into the Golden Dawn, and the third of the four elemental grades which comprise the First Degree of the Order. The name practicus indicates that the initiate is beginning to put theory into practice. It is associated with the element of water and the eighth Sephirah of Hod. It is symbolized by the number 3 within a circle and the number 8 within a square. A person who has been admitted into the grade of Practicus.

Praemonstrator: Latin word meaning "guide" and "one who prophesies." The teacher. One of the Three Chief Officers in the Neophyte Hall.

Praemonstratrix: a female Praemonstrator.

Prithivi: the Tattva associated with the element of earth, depicted as yellow square. (See Tattva.)

Projecting Sign: also called the "Sign of Horus." One of the Neophtye Signs of the Golden Dawn.

Protecting Sign: also called the "Sign of Silence" and the "Sign of Harpacrates. One of the Neophtye Signs of the Golden Dawn.

Psyche: the Greek word for "soul." The mind functioning as the center of thought, emotion, and behavior and consciously or unconsciously adjusting or mediating the body's responses to the social and physical environment.

Psychopomp: Greek word meaning "guide of souls."



Qabalah: Hebrew word meaning "tradition." It is derived from the root word qibel, meaning "to receive." This refers to the ancient custom of handing down esoteric knowledge by oral transmission. What the word Qabalah encompasses is an entire body of ancient Hebrew mystical principles that are the cornerstone and focus of the Western Esoteric Tradition.

Qabalah of Nine Chambers: (See Aiq Beker.)

Qabalistic Cross: a short ritual that is incorporated into the LBRP. The Qabalistic Cross forms an equilibrated cross of light in the magician's sphere of sensation.

Qamea: comes from a Hebrew root word meaning "talisman." A Qamea or Magical Square is a diagram showing a series of numbers arranged so as to yield the same number total whether the numbers are added up horizontally by rows, vertically by columns, or diagonally. The number of the sum of each column of figures and the total sum of all the numbers on the square are numbers that are especially attributed to a particular Planet. The Magical Squares or Qameoth (plural) are essentially planetary talismans.

Qlippoth: a Hebrew word meaning "shells." Chaotic and unbalanced forces or entities. Evil demons. Negative opposites of the harmonious Sephiroth.

Quintessence: the "fifth essence." Refers to spirit, which is sometimes referred to as the fifth element. That which binds together and governs the four elements of fire, water, air, and earth.



Raphael: Hebrew archangel of elemental air, invoked in the LBRP and the SIRP.

Rising on the Planes: a method of astral work that developed out of the Golden Dawn's technique of Traveling in the Spirit Vision. This is a purely spiritual process that uses the Qabalistic Tree of Life. The magician's consciousness is placed within the astral body, which ascends the various levels of the Tree.

Rose Cross: a key symbol of the Golden Dawn's Second Order. It is based on the Rosicrucian symbolism of the Red Rose and the Cross of Gold. The Rose Cross Lamen is worn by Adepts. The Ritual of the Rose Cross is a Second Order ritual for calming and balancing energies. (See Lamen.)

Ruach: Hebrew word for "breath," "air," and "spirit." The middle part of the Qabalistic soul, representing the mind and reasoning powers.

Ruach Elohim: Hebrew for "Spirit of God." Personified by the feminine figure of the Shekinah.



Salamanders: elemental spirits of fire.

Self: the true essence of the human psyche.

Sandalphon: the archangel of Malkuth. Said to be the archangel who governs the black pillar. She is also left-hand Kerub of the Ark of the Covenant. (See Metatron.)

Sephardic: a Hebrew dialect which was used in Spain and the Mediterranean area. The Hebrew dialect employed by the Golden Dawn.

Sephiroth: Hebrew word meaning "numbers, spheres, emanations." Refers to ten divine states or god-energies depicted on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. The singular form is Sephirah.

Sepher Yetzirah: Hebrew phrase meaning "the Book of Formation." One of the oldest of the Qabalistic texts.

Shaddai El Chai: Hebrew phrase meaning "Almighty Living God." Divine name of Yesod.

Shem ha-Mephoresh: a Hebrew phrase meaning "the Seventy-two-fold Name of God," said to be an extension of the Tetragrammaton. A divine name of 216 letters derived from three verses in the Biblical book of Exodus (Exodus 14:19-21). One of the systems of temurah is used on these verses to obtain 72 names of God, which are each assigned to one of the 72 quinances (sets of five degrees) of the Zodiac. The names of 72 angels are formed by adding the suffixes "yah" or "el" to the 72God-names.

Sigil: a seal, sign, or signature. A symbol used to represent a spiritual force, such as an angel, archangel, or a divine name of God. Any name or word can be made into a sigil.

Simulacrum: An image used in sympathetic magic that is considered to be the magical double of the object that it represents.

SIRP: The Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram. An Inner Order ritual for invoking elemental energies.

Skryer: one who skrys. A seer. (See Skrying.)

Skrying: derived from the old English word descry meaning "to see" or "to observe." A form of clairvoyance which usually uses mirrors, crystals, a bowl of water, or other gazing devices. The skrying device is an aid to concentration which helps the skryer calm the conscious mind and allow spiritual visions to come through.

Skrying in the Spirit Vision: skrying as performed by the Golden Dawn is usually done by using a painted symbol -- such as a Tattva card or elemental symbol -- rather than a crystal or mirror to skry into. Geomantic or planetary symbols or tarot cards may also be used for this procedure. Similar in some ways to Astral Projection.

Solve et Coagula: Latin phrase meaning "dissolve and coagulate." Alchemical axiom which points to the practice of reducing a solid to a liquid and back to a solid again. Used as a metaphor for the practice of psychotherapy and self-integration.

Sphere of Sensation: the aura.

Stolistes: Greek word meaning "preparer." An officer in the Neophyte Hall who is in charge of all regalia and purifications.

Subtle Body: the psycho-physical circuitry of a human being through which the life force flows. Energy blue-print for the physical body. Sometimes called the astral body, etheric double, or body of light.

Supernal: celestial or heavenly. In Qabalah it refers to the three highest Sephiroth on the Tree of Life which are often called the Supernal Triad.

Sylphs: elemental spirits of air.



Tabitom: the name of an Enochian governor.

Tablet of Union: The Enochian Tablet of spirit which binds together and governs the other four Emental Tablets. Painted on the tablet are Enochian spirit names including: Exarp - the spirit of air, Hcoma - the spirit of water, Nanta - the spirit of earth, and Bitom - the spirit of fire.

Taliahad: an angel associated with elemental water.

Talisman: an object which is charged or consecrated toward the achieving of a specific end. A talisman is a magical object that has been charged with a force that it is intended to represent. Usually intended to draw something to the magician. (Also see Telesmatic.)

Tarot: a system of divination that employs a mystical set of 78 cards separated into two main divisions-the Major and Minor Arcana. In many Hermetic groups, they are used primarily for meditative purposes. (See Divination; Major Arcana; Minor Arcana.)

Tattva (or Tattwa): Sanskrit word meaning "quality." The five main tattvas (Prithivi, Vayu, Apas, Tejas, and Akasa), correspond to the five elements of earth, air, water, fire, and spirit. In the Golden Dawn, the symbols that represent the tattvas are used for skrying. (See Skrying.)

Tejas: Sanskrit word meaning "sharp." The Tattva associated with the element of fire, depicted as a red triangle.

Telesma: the energy that is put into a Telesmatic Image used to activate and charge the image.

Telesmatic: from the Greek word telesmata meaning "talismans." Usually refers to a created or visualized image of a deity or angel, particularly images that have been built using Hebrew letter correspondences.

Temurah: Hebrew word meaning "permutation." A form of Literal Qabalah which transposes letters of the Hebrew alphabet, swapping one letter for another, usually in accordance with a table or chart. This results in the creation of a new word which can be compared with the original word for interpretive meaning. This technique is most often used to study Hebrew scripture.

Tetragrammaton: a Greek word meaning "four-lettered name." Refers to the highest divine Hebrew name of God, YHVH.

Thaumaturgy: Greek word meaning "miracle-working." Magic used to create changes in the material world.

Theoricus: comes from the Greek word for "beholder," "onlooker" or "student." The Theoricus grade is the third initiation into the Golden Dawn, and the second of the four elemental grades which comprise the First Degree of the Order. It is associated with the element of air and the ninth Sephirah of Yesod. It is symbolized by the number 2 within a circle and the number 9 within a square. A person who has been admitted into the grade of Theoricus.

Theurgy: Greek word meaning "God-working." Magic used for personal growth, spiritual evolution, and for becoming closer to the Divine. The type of magic advocated by the Golden Dawn.

Theurgist: "God-worker." A magician.

Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom: the ten Sephiroth and the twenty-two paths which connect them.

Thought-form: a mental image created and solidified in astral substance by willpower and visualization.

Three Alchemic Principles: three fundamental substances in Alchemy that said to exist in all things. They are Sulfur, Mercury, and Salt, which relate to the ideas of soul, spirit, and body. These substances are not to be confused with ordinary substances of the same name.

Three Negative Veils: three abstract stages of "nothingness" from which emanate the Sephiroth. The three negative veils are Ain, Ain Soph, and Ain Soph Aur.

Tiphareth: Hebrew word for "beauty," referring to the sixth Sephirah on the Tree of Life.

Tree of Life: a glyph or symbol that is central to the Qabalah. It is a symmetrical drawing of ten circles or spheres known collectively as Sephiroth arranged in a certain manner, with 22 connecting paths running between the spheres. It is considered a blueprint for understanding all things and relationships in the universe, including the essence of God and the soul of humanity. (See Qabalah; Sephiroth.)



Undines: elemental spirits of water.

Unwritten Qabalah: that segment of Qabalah which refers to the knowledge of the sacred symbol known as the Tree of Life. (See Qabalah; Tree of Life.)

Uriel (or Auriel): Hebrew archangel of elemental earth, invoked in the LBRP and the SIRP.



Vault of the Adepti: the ritual chamber of the Second Order.

Vayu: Sanskrit word meaning "to blow." The Tattva associated with the element of air, depicted as a blue circle. (See Tattva.)

Vibratory Formula: a method by which divine names and words are intoned forcefully and with authority in a "vibration." Properly performed, the vibration should be felt throughout the entire body, and imagined to be vibrated throughout the universe.



Water: one of the four magical elements. Water is said to be a combination of the qualities of cold and moisture. It is considered passive, feminine, receptive, sustaining, subconscious, creative, fluidic, and generative. (See Elements.)

Water Cup: one of the Elemental weapons or implements of the Adept. Used to invoke or banish the element of water.

Western Esoteric Tradition: Hermeticism. (See Hermetic.)

Widdershins: the anti-clockwise direction, against the sun. (See deosil.)



Yah: divine Hebrew name associated with Chokmah.

Yechidah: in Qabalah, the highest part of the soul located in Kether. It is described as the true Divine Self. The purest form of consciousness.

Yeheshuah: Hebrew name for Jesus. A divine name associated with the five elements of fire, water, air, earth, and spirit. Referred to as the Pentagrammaton. (See Pentagrammaton.)

Yesod: Hebrew word for "foundation," referring to the ninth Sephirah on the Tree of Life.

Yetzirah: the third of four Qabalistic Worlds or stages of manifestation. It is known as the World of Formation and is the realm of angels. It is attributed to the spheres of Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod. It is attributed to the element of air. (See Four Worlds of the Qabalah.)

YHVH: Four letters (Yod Heh Vav Heh) which stand for the highest Hebrew name for God, which is considered unknown and unpronounceable. These letters are also attributed to the four elements of fire, water, air, and earth. Often referred to as the Tetragrammaton.

YHVH Elohim: Divine Hebrew name of Binah, meaning "the Lord, God." Also associated with Daath in the Exercise of the Middle Pillar.

YHVH Eloah ve-Daath: Divine Hebrew name of Tiphareth meaning "Lord, God of Knowledge."

YHVH Tzabaoth: Divine Hebrew name of Netzach, meaning "Lord of Armies."


Zauir Anpin: Hebrew for "short faced." Also known as the "Lesser Countenance" and Microprosopus. The son of Abba and Aima. The Partzuf attributed to the six Sephiroth from Chesed to Yesod, and associated with the letter Vav of Tetragrammaton. (See Partzufim.)

Zelator: comes from the Greek word for "zealot." The Zelator grade is the second initiation into the Golden Dawn, and the first of the four elemental grades which comprise the First Degree of the Order. It is associated with the element of earth and the tenth Sephirah of Malkuth. It is symbolized by the number 1 within a circle and the number 10 within a square. A person who has been admitted into the grade of Zelator.

Zodiac: a circle or belt which is said to extend eight or nine degrees on each side of the ecliptic (the sun's apparent path around the earth, or the orbit of the earth as viewed from the sun.) A zodiacal wheel is a flat chart which is divided into twelve houses, each of which is said to be ruled by one of the twelve zodiacal signs.

Zohar: the Hebrew Book of "Splendor." A huge Qabalistic text which includes commentaries on the Torah. The Zohar was first written down in the 14 century by Moses de Leon.